New York State has many complex laws and formulas that govern child support, spousal support, prenuptial agreements, custody, and the division of assets upon divorce. Look to the office of Yusupov Law Group to help you navigate the world of family law and protect your interests. We are dedicated to helping you and your family resolve your legal issues quickly and efficiently.

We understand that family law is not just another legal practice and that the outcome of your case will impact your security and happiness. This is why we offer litigation, collaborative law, and mediation services so you can customize your legal strategy to fit your needs.



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    A prenuptial agreement is a contract between two future spouses that settles issues of  property division and support during your marriage and in the event of death or divorce. In New York, a prenuptial agreement is made before marriage and will take effect as soon as the couple marries. Prenuptial agreements must be in writing and signed by both future spouses before a notary public. The court does not accept an oral agreement or an unsigned agreement.


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    Both spouses agree on all of their divorce-related issues such as property division, child custody, or financial distribution. Even though you have to meet certain requirements, an uncontested divorce is often much easier than a contested divorce because spouses will not go to trial or negotiate the terms of the separation.


    When your spouse disagrees with something in the case, such as the divorce itself, the property division, child custody, or financial distribution.  Contested divorces require filing the divorce papers and then serving your spouse with them. You and your spouse reach a settlement, or judge makes a final decision. A spouse cannot stop another spouse from getting a divorce, but he or she can prolong the divorce by not agreeing to your proposed terms. 


    An alternative to litigation is mediated divorce, where you and your spouse negotiate towards your own settlement with the help of an independent, neutral third party, called a mediator. A judge is not involved until its time to approve your settlement upon completion. The goal here is to help the divorcing couple reach a solution on their own that works for them.


    A separation agreement is a written contract between a separating couple that addresses various issues that they agree upon, mainly related to their property settlement. This document will include the division of marital assets and debts, spousal support, and child custody.